Monday, September 15, 2008

Week 4 Berliner

The Godfather Part II  disappoints the viewer in two ways; one Pacino's portrayal of the new Godfather fails in comparison to Marlon Brando's, and two the killing montage at the end of the film fails to capture the intensity of the first Godfather's ending montage. The new Godfather's dark and depressing existence stresses the emotional state of the Corleone's  after the death of Marlon Brando. The killing montage at the end succeeds in again portraying the Corleone's and its social circles emotional state. The deaths are not glorified, and their characters deaths fail to resonate any happiness in the audience.

1 comment:

jimbosuave said...

Be sure to be familiar with the other Film School filmmakers and the changes that facilitated their breaking into the industry.